Rhode Island, Providence - Report by Avery. Today, we will give information about 5 things I love about the Roma .

Rome, the eternal city, is one of my absolute favorite cities in the world.
I love it to my core.
I often think " back when i lived in Rome ..." and then I realize I have never lived in Rome.
maybe just in my dreams and in my heart.
there are so many wonderful things things to see and do and experience in this heartbeat city that once was the center of the world.
5 things I love about the Roma
1. It's a walking town
the streets are perfect for walks in Rome |
my favorite cities in the world's cities.
instead of seen through the Windows of a tour bus, Rome is best experienced at street level, strolling.
things you see on the streets of Rome |
there are so many great things to see in Rome that you find only on foot |
walking along the banks of the Tiber River is brilliant , day or night.
the Lungotevere, Roma |
booksellers, Lungotevere, Roma |
go back into Trastevere, Roma |
my apartment is on this street in Trastevere, Roma |
Queen of the jungle. I followed this glamazon in 5 inch heels as she strolled along the Via Del Corso in Rome. she never missed a beat, even on the cobble stones. I want to be her! |
2. The monuments at night.
go to the Colosseum at night |
Rome's monuments are majestic and beautiful day, but when the Sun is they also are packed with a flood of tourists streaming from tour buses, led by flag waving guides.
when night falls the crowds thin out, you can breathe freely and a lot less obstructed the view is just amazing.
Forum and the Palatine Hill the night |
3. Caffe on the Tazza D'oro
my morning macchiato at Tazza D'oro in Rome |
is said to be the best coffee in the world, Tazza D'oro is one of my absolute favorite places to take a macchiato , a cappucino or a simple caffe (espresso). They are also known for their granita.
is located opposite the Pantheon, Tazza D'oro breaks ranks with the overpriced tourist bars, rather than catering to the locals and sell coffee at super affordable prices. A cappucino around the corner will take you 6 euros, but at Tazza D'oro it is 1.50
coffee is fantastic, and I always buy several pounds of it to bring home.
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4. Campo de ' Fiori market.
at the Campo de ' Fiori in Rome |
where I love to stroll over to the Campo di Fiori and buy fresh percorino and prosciutto, fruits and vegetables that instead of ripening in a truck run over the land to a supermarket , was picked last night to be eaten today.
campo Di Fiori Market, Rome |
the market sellers will tell me how the family has prepared a given vegetable generations, and I want to go home and do it your way. The next day they have anything else for me to try.
is amazing.
campo Di Fiori Market, Rome |
I also like to buy fresh flowers to my apartment. I'm not hotels in Rome-I prefer to rent an apartment in the beautiful Trastevere, which is within walking distance from everywhere.
flowers at the Campo di Fiori market in Rome |
5. Underground Rome.
the Rome that sit above the ground is captivating and magnificent, but under the ground, it is a different world, just as spectacular.
mosaics and paintings which is 1700 years old. apparently no one else was interested. Or they were depending on a tour bus to take them places. you'll find the best things when you explore cities in walking distance on foot. |
House and spa, mosaic, aqueducts and auditoriums, entire cities all under ground, dating back to the second century BC
underground Rome is astounding.
and amazing tourist free.
A spiral staircase 17 centuries back, down below Rome, and find the paintings on broken walls |
25 metres below in Rome, to go into the fourth century with the iphone camera |
over the centuries Rome built up , layers of dirt and dust raising city 25 meters. Instead of tearing down buildings, Rome built over them. The pagan pictures and reliefs share space and time with Christian sarcophagi and the cross, so that you can witness the passage from one religion to the next.
Denise under Rome taking iphone pictures in an underground Church from the 300 's. there was literally no one else below deck-only from Corinna B Glam Italy world tour! |
and most of the time there is no other. Nikon wielding masses seems to stay above ground, which suits me fine. My iphone can I enjoy the view, breathing freely and take our own sweet time.
things you find in the city of Rome |
all these pictures were taken by me with my iphone, walking around Rome. Please do not use them without my written permission.
Thank you!
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