Massachusetts, Boston - Report by Nicole. Today, we will give information about Articulating all over it ... .
Well, it was more fun than you could shake a stick!Last week I had to go to Illuma Studios to record some voice overs. (Those who want to go did voice overs etc. may serve your nails or something, for the rest of you, its a kinda cool little behind the scenes deal ...)
Illuma is a complete service television studio. They shoot TV shows, advertising, etc. in there. They also have a totally fantastic makeup room.
I was not in the sound room for it, so it was fun to scope it out.
Behind me you can see the recording engineer, Jeff Ocheltree. He sits at the good advice, and a large window infront of him actually look in the studio itself. In this way, the engineer can look at the goings on on the set while twirling all fun dials.
The Pinot colored blocks behind me Mike tiles made of this absorbing things that stops me from voice bouncing off the walls. It feels really strange & porous. (I probably should not have been able to touch it, but could not help myself.)
If I knew there would be pictures in question I would have done something about the haircut ...
Kelly Capelli and I had to go to client meetings immediately afterwards, so she lived with her camera and put in, and we were able then together from the head. And go anywhere Kelly is always great fun!
I think this studio just doing voice / talk-type sound. I dont think they record music there. Could be wrong, but ...
There was great earphones for me to wear, but in all honesty, I find the sound of my own voice disgusting and would have been far too distracted.
I didn 't get my script until it was time to record it was. Like most scripts that edited again and again written right til the last minute. There was not even time for a reading before we start tracking.
I absolutely love doing things like this, but I have not suffered too often they. I have an unusual accent, and that gets in the way of the most vocal opportunities. I do not sound like other Kiwis, sounds like a Brit, not American sounds. I just kinda sound like me. What most I prevent many ads, and also means a lot of people do not necessarily understand me. Especially when I talk fast. (So I mess with people at every opportunity!)
Anyway, here's Jeff hard at work. He has all kinds of cool things on his fingers, and the screen that he's looking to show the sound patterns as I speak. The green lines are my voice. The cool watch him work. His hands fly across that board do things, and he did not even look at them. I just read the script about four times, then picked up key phrases and tell them a few different ways, so the customer a
had few options. The whole thing was very fast.
I gave my back to him and could not see if Jeff attention paid or not, so I threw in some naughty words here and there just to keep him on his toes! haha! (Of course, he had to change it later).
Oh wow! Naughtier than I originally thought ...!
It was pretty cool to look at the display on the screen and see the patterns that make votes when they talk.
Oh, and the t-shirt? I told you I'd end up wearing it a hundred times over!
I love it just. I am of Elusive cowgirl and it says: "Love comes without warning." She got what looks like a tattoo heart out and some bling to
No doubt you will not see again soon - .. I have been contributing to the death
I've got got some cool stuff to tell you about this week, so make sure you keep checking in.
Hope you have a wonderful day,
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