Tuesday, February 28, 2017

37 life lessons

Wyoming, Cheyenne - Report by Paola. Today, we will give information about 37 life lessons .

37 life lessons in 37 years

I love this.
Dawn Gluskin is a contributor to the Huffington Post
you can follow her here , and on her twitter-link at the bottom of the article.

picture from the Daily Mail UK

37 life lessons in 37 years

today is my 37th birthday. And I must say, it's a pretty interesting ride so far. When I look back over the years and many phases of my life, I realize how every scene, success, stumble, triumph and heartbreak have had a significant impact on where I stand right now. And despite the rough spots, I love it all.
from a shy but eager little girl, to a fancy and somewhat rebellious teenager, to a happy-go-lucky big dreams 20-something with a bit of a wild side, my metamorphosis was plenty in my early years. Now in my 30 's, my heart has been a few sizes larger and brimming with motherly love as I have discovered what matters most in life. And my entrepreneurial experiences have been a crash course in the hours of life, business and even that at times brought me to the brink of what I thought I could handle, only to be rewarded nicely for sticking it out and see it.
as I continue to go into detail even every day and bring to light my mission to help others to build their own dreams with pleasure and ease , I have bothered my brain to think of my top 37 life lessons so far. On this day to celebrate a trip around the Sun, I share these with you and hope you find inspiration as I have. Enjoy!
the top 37 life lessons so far ...
  1. happiness comes from within. we use way too much of our lives are looking outside validation and authentication that eludes us. Turns out, it has been an inside job all the time. Go inward.
  2. be grateful for all. good, bad, ugly. Our whole life is a precious gift. Joy, pain-it's all part of our way.
  3. subtle changes in perception will change your whole life. when feeling anxious, angry, hurt, only choose to see a situation different.
  4. in being true to yourself, you can not possibly make everyone else happy. Nevertheless, it is better to risk being frowned upon for living the truth than to be loved for what you are to lazy.
  5. the world is our mirror.  what we like others is a reflection of what we love about us. What upsets us about other is a strong indication of what we need to look at more closely in the US.
  6. all come into our lives for a reason.  it is up to us to be open for the lesson they are supposed to learn. The more someone rubs us wrong, the larger lesson. Take notes.
  7. trust. in difficult times, just know that the universe has the back and everything will be OK. If you do not it yet, confidence in retrospect you will understand. Your higher good is supported, always.
  8. never take it personally.  what others do is a reflection of what's going on in their own lives and probably has little or nothing to do with you.
  9. A walk in nature cures a lot.  Take some fresh air and the beautiful landscape on this earth is incredibly head-clearing grounding and mood-lifting. Bonus: you can learn a lot about life in the observation of the awesomeness that is nature.
  10. hurt people hurt people.  Love them anyway. Although it is perfectly OK to love them from a distance.
  11. you had to feel it to heal it.  include the fear and weaknesses front and Center and shine a lightning-fast spotlight on them because the only way out is through. The wound is facing the truth is so worth it in the long run, I swear.
  12. perfectionism is an illusion. a painful one. Lighten up. Striving for excellence, sure, but leave you room to make mistakes and permission to be happy regardless of the outcome.
  13. take the blinders.  do not be so laser-focused on your own goals and desires that you miss the beauty in life and those around you. The world is incredibly beautiful when you walk around with your eyes wide open.
  14. celebrate the journey.  it's not all about the destination. Enjoy all your successes, even small.
  15. forgiveness is not so much about the other person.  it's about you, and for you so that you can get peace and freedom you deserve. Forgive quickly and often.
  16. we are all incredibly intuitive.  when we learn to be still and listen, we can take advantage of some pretty incredible primal wisdom. Listen to the quiet whisper of your heart. The know how.
  17. let your soul shine!  be authentic. There is no other in the world just like you. Go into your truth wholeheartedly, and lives and breathes the purpose.
  18. we are powerful creators. seriously, bad-asses. Intention, focus and endurance-everything is possible. Know this.
  19. I is full of light. you are full of light. We are all full of light. Some cast shadows on its own brightness. Be a beacon of light for others and show them the way.
  20. do not take life too seriously! no one comes out alive anyway. Smile. Be goofy. Take chances. have fun.
  21. surround yourself with people who love and support you. , love and support them back! Life is too short for anything less.
  22. learn the delicate dance. has big beautiful dreams and visions. Chase them with a lot of passion. But also keep all of them ever so lightly. Be flexible and willing to flow like life is going.
  23. give is the secret to receive.  share your wisdom, love, your talents. Share freely and be surprised at how much the beauty of life flows back to you.
  24. on that note, be sure not to give too much.  If you empty out your own Cup of complete, nothing left to give. Balance is key.
  25. say "Yes!"  to everything that comes on you. say "no" , unapologetically, something that does not excite you or you don't have the bandwidth for. Time is one of our most precious resources that we can never get back. Treat it wisely.
  26. a few times we grow friendship.  that does not mean that they are bad or you are bad. It just means that you are on different paths. Keep them in your heart, but when they start to hurt or hold you back, it's time to make room or let go.
  27. the fear is often a very good indicator on what we really want and need in our life. Let it be the compass and enjoy the exciting adventure it takes you on.
  28. overcoming your fear is one of the most empowering things you can ever do for yourself. You want to prove yourself, you can really achieve something! Greater confidence booster.
  29. our bodies is our vehicle to our dreams. treat them with love and fuel them best health to feel alive and energy. But never obsess over the image. Looks are subjective and will fade in time anyway. Feel good, healthy and comfortable in our own skin is what matters the most.
  30. let those you love know it often and enthusiastically.  you can never say it or show it too much. Time, a total of presence, love and genuine concern for their well-being is the greatest gift of all.
  31. the moment is where it is ent. is the only promised to any of us. Learn from your past & enjoy the vakRe memories, but not cling or let them haunt you. And dream big and be excited about for the future, but not obsessed. Love this moment, always.
  32. life is full of ups and downs. we need them both to grow to our full potential. Just Hold on tight and enjoy the ride.
  33. we are all connected as one human family.  no one is better or worse than anyone else, just at different stages of our travels and deal with life the best way we know how. Recognize that the other person is you.
  34. practice daily gratitude for all the blessings in your life, big and small. Not only is this a high vibe practice that feels amazing, in practicing regularly you create room for even more abundance, joy, love, health and prosperity.
  35. we are not the center of the universe , our ego can make us feel that way at times. Go beyond the way of thinking and seeing the world and other people's perspective in a brand new beautiful light.
  36. the world needs more love, light and laughter.  go be love.
  37. you are the guru.  For much of our lives, we've been told what to do, how you think, what looks good, what "success" is. You don't have to buy into some of it. Like to peel back the layers. Seems even. Break the mold. When you stop doing what everyone else would like to do and starts after your own intuition, you will be ridiculously happy.
looking back on your own life, realizing that every high and low is a part of the wonderful story. Own it! Take the signals and guidance from the universe, and you will continue to go on a fantastic trip that you fully step into the truth and power.
is just a number, but the higher it gets, the more wisdom and life experience that we have gathered. You should never be younger than you are in this moment again. So embrace it, love it and enjoy it fully!
here's to many more beautiful years of seeking-truth, questioning everything that's not right, and making your greatest influence in the world! I look forward to adding more lessons that life continues to give me the opportunity to learn, grow, transform, share and expand. Hope you will too.
with much love,
For more inspiration, visit the site Dawnsense and sign up for weekly love letters. Also, with supportive Dawnsense community on Facebook and Twitter.

follow the Dawn Gluskin on Twitter: www.twitter.com/dawngluskin

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