Friday, May 19, 2017

These boots are made for Struttin '!

South Dakota, Sioux Falls - Report by Madison. Today, we will give information about These boots are made for Struttin '! .

The 108 degrees here today in sunny Phoenix, and instead of water and smelled like Coppertone, I'm trying to make review winter-up and fashion trends for some emerging shoots. Quite crazy juxtaposition, corn c'est ma vie!

The one thing that has me excited delirium out for the upcoming season, the over-the-knee boot. So sexy, so raunchy, so crazy cool !!!

a lifetime ago, when I was a makeup artist who was super trendy London, I bought a pair of black suede thigh boots I wore all the time. They were the absolute most dynamic thing I've ever owned. I would wear them with short skirts and this big black faux fur Russian hat I bought in Moscow. I felt like the coolest thing on wheels when I slipped on the badboys, but in all reality, London was so full of models, supermodels, and just outright super funky, edgy, sexy- cool girls I probably mixed with the background.

But in those boots I felt like a million dollars.

I worked with tons of Ethiopian and Sudanese runway models at the moment. They were all over six feet tall, beautiful and long and lean and can move like leopards. I do not worship! They taught me how to walk in my hip boots.

and not only walk, but possession of in my hip boots, with this great hip and pelvis role both weak and powerful was at the same time. I told them no more, but so completely overwhelmed that the incidence of this coming season only owned and dominated by hip boat!

So let take a look at a few of my favorites ...

Stella McCartney's trunk to die for! She was completely amazing and innovative. I might get away with a few top in the streets of Scottsdale, certainly the streets of New York.

The Stella's are below severe, but I think I would suffocate in them. But I'll give it a go!

Sexy Gucci boat, not the knee, but still delicious! And more expensive than the average payment.

And of course, the red soles master himself ...

Hello Lover!

Christian Louboutin, Purrfect every time!

Those first few Stella's had me at hello ...

So now I'm going to put on my big sunglasses, big hat and SPF, and protrude through the pool, but behind the black lenses I would day-dream of thighs boots in winter.

and maybe I will send my friend Cynthia Atlanta a telepathic message on red soles (haha!)
because I think Klein, she always seems to hear me!

prop it sisters!



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