Tuesday, May 16, 2017

How do you get your makeup Make Brushes # 1

Wyoming, Cheyenne - Report by Ava. Today, we will give information about How do you get your makeup Make Brushes # 1 .

The CorinnaB.com brush line.

Today I want to address the serious business of taking care of your makeup brushes.

If you bought quality brushes they'll last forever, as long as you take care of them properly.
to show you how to do it the right way, Kelly Cappelli and I shot a couple of brush and cleaning tutorials for you, and this is the first one.

If I had a shoot and get brushes to clean between people, or when I'm at home and want a quick color change do I use Parian Spirit to clean and disinfect my brushes.
Parian Spirit is an environmentally friendly cleaner to solve all the makeup products and disinfected, while conditioning your brushes at the same time. It is made from citrus spirits, no artificial colors or flavors, and it will not damage the wood on your brush.
I'm not sure I've ever seen a pro makeup artist ever used Parian!

you can probably buy it at state or Sephora etc. I buy big bottles, as I go through so much of it, but you can buy bottles.

The super fast way to use it for a couple sitting on a folded Kleenex,

and lightly paint your brush through it. This method will really dries quickly, and you'll be ready to brush reused within be a few minutes.

The second way is more of a deep clean, so you'd usually do it this way.
Add a few cleaner in a small non-metallic container, they gently swirl the brush in the Parian spirit. You will come out to see the color of it!

Next you need to carefully paint brush on a folded tissue, until the color stops coming out. Keep the tissue is kept inserted in your hand it on the counter, because it will make sure that you are gentle with your brush.

Do not scrub or push the brush hard - always friendly

Next you need to re-shape your brush .. Gently form again to its original form.

Finally, I lied my brushes flat on a folded towel to dry. They can take a few minutes to dry, and a towel or paper towel will help to pull out the moisture.

Never, never, never stood a damp or wet brush vertically. The moisture will roll in ferrul (it is the metal part of your brush) and eat away at the thread that binds the hair together, and the glue that holds together bound timber and ferrul.
Always lay them flat!

Once my brushes dry I store it vertically in a glass vase at home (because it looks nice!) Or a brush roll in my kit.

Keep and eye out for "How to clean your makeup brushes # 2"

Have a wonderful day!



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