Friday, March 10, 2017

How to make Glitter Eyeshadow

Virginia, Virginia Beach - Report by Julia. Today, we will give information about How to make Glitter Eyeshadow .

the holiday season is here, which means that the party season is here too!

glitter eye shadows are so much fun to wear to the winter festivities.
they look so vibrant and alive on the grim, sad, the basis of the colder months, and they also play well against the crisp white snow.


candle light and open pick up the gloss you have added to the shadow and make your eyes sparkle and look so pretty.

, but if they are not performed properly, shimmering eye shadows are just a glittering mess all over her face.

so here are my tips for
how to work with sparkling Eyeshadow .

1. Neutralize your skin color
to pull off a good glittering shadow you really need to have a good, smooth foundation, evening out the facial skin. 


2. Keep the shine only for the eyes.
its easy to do the entire face look too shiny when you have a high gloss eye. Tone cheek down a bit, and not add sparkle places. Sparkling or shimmery highlight along with a glittering shadow will spoil the effect of eye shadow and could end up making that face looks oily.

3. soft The lip
If you make a shimmery eye focus for your appearance, help it out by toning down the LIP. 
most people can not carry a big eyes and a big lip at the same time. Go for something a little more neutral and keep the pad or just a low sheen. A big glossy lip with sparkling eyes make the face look too shiny and busy.


4. Use your Glitter shadow as an accent
don't try to build the entire eye with glitter shadow. 
Build form and drama of the eye in the neutral creamy finish eye shadows (glitter adhere to better a cream base), and then connect in shimmery/glittering product that the final event.
only the lid does not hold sparkles.


5. It's all in the program
to make this deal work, and do not have the glitter of the face, you need to use it properly.
I like to mute my brush of dabbing it into a small amount of Makeup forever HD Primer (it binds and keeps the product without being too heavy) and then select my glitter/shimmer product to gently tap it on the area I want to highlight.
not trying to paint the eye or sweep a glitter product over it, as particles will sweep across the entire face and can be hard to get. You want to isolate glitter/Shimmer only to the eye and the eye as you are accenting the area.

shimmer vs. Glitter

6. Shimmer or Glitter?
I prefer a product that shines to a product that is super sparkly. My Favorites are Makeup forever Star powder and
face Ateliers skimmer . the particles is less, give more of a shimmery effect and stay on the eye not the whole face. You can carry of more shine to other areas of the face with shimmer shadow instead of a glitter.
If you want to use a little glitter for one with less rather than for larger particles.

7. Repair job
If you end up with the particles glitter on the face using a piece of tape to sotch lifting it gently of

Thank you for reading this article about How to make Glitter Eyeshadow . Give your feedback when articles about How to make Glitter Eyeshadow very interesting for you. Please share to social media or leave a comment. May be useful. ( Julia )
